Relationship between School Administrators’ Superleadership and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction under the Supervision of Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Superleadership, Satisfaction, RelationshipAbstract
This research aimed to investigate school administrators’ superleadership, teachers’ job satisfaction, and their relationship. The samples were 300 teachers working at large-sized and medium-sized schools under the supervision of Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, obtained through stratified random sampling. The instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient.
The results revealed that:
1) School administrators’ superleadership was high. The highest mean was displayed by the encouragement of self-set goals, followed by the modeling of self-leadership, whereas the lowest mean was displayed by the development of positive thinking.
2) Teachers’ job satisfaction was high. The highest mean was displayed by career progression, followed by job descriptions, whereas the lowest mean was displayed by work environments.
3) The relationship between school administrators’ superleadership and teachers’ job satisfaction was very high. The highest positive correlation was displayed by the development of positive thinking, followed by the modeling of self-leadership, whereas the lowest positive correlation was displayed by the encouragement of self-leadership among personnel and the promotion of self-leadership through team building.
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