Executive Role and Participatory Management of Vocational Training Centers District under Vocational Education in the Southern Border Provinces


  • Sarawut Khongsuk -


The objectives of this study were to 1) study the executive role level of the district vocational training center under the vocational education in the southern border provinces.; 2) study the level of participatory administration of the district vocational training center.; 3) compare the roles of administrators of district vocational training centers. under vocational education in the southern border provinces classified by gender, work experience.; 4) compare the participatory administration of the district vocational training centers under vocational education of southern boarder provinces, categorized by gender and position 5) study the relation between the roles of administrators and participatory management of the district vocational training centers under vocational education of southern boarder provinces.; and 6) process the recommendations for the role of administrators in the participatory administration of the district vocational training centers under vocational education in the southern border provinces. Data analysis used frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, T-Test, F-Test and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient.

The research results were as follows:

1) The roles of the district vocational training center under vocational education in the southern border provinces, in overall was at high level.

2) The level of participatory management of the district vocational training center under vocational education in the southern border provinces, in overall was at a high level.               

3) The comparison results of the difference between role levels of the district vocational training center administrators under vocational education in the southern border provinces classified by gender, work experience and position. As overall and each aspect were not different.

4) The comparing difference result of the level of participatory management of the district vocational training center under vocational education in the southern border provinces classified by gender, work experience and position. As overall and each aspect were not different.

5) The relation between the roles of the district vocational training center administrators under the vocational education in the southern border provinces with the participatory administration of the district vocational training center under vocational education southern border provinces. As overall was a high level of positive correlation with a statistical significance of .01.

            The Recommendations for research ‘the role of administrators in participatory administration of vocational training centers in the districts of vocational education centers in the southern border provinces’ have the collaboration in making decision and participating in educational institutions with the clearly defining duties of work. Moreover, the assessment results were applied in various operations in the educational institutions continuously.


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How to Cite

Khongsuk, S. (2022). Executive Role and Participatory Management of Vocational Training Centers District under Vocational Education in the Southern Border Provinces. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 12(24), 83–101. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/256587



Research Article