The Personal Administration of Education School in Bannangstar District under the Yala Primary Education Service Area Office2


  • มาคอเซาะ สาแล คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


personnel management administration , under the Yala Primary Education Service Area Office2


This independent study is aimed 1) to study personnel management of the basic school under The Office of Primary Educational Service Yala Area 2, 2) to compare the differences of personnel management of the basic school under The Office of Elementary Education Yala Area 2 as classified by gender, ages, the experience in the position and school size, and 3) to process suggestions of personnel management of the basic school under The Office of Primary Educational Service Yala Area 2. The population of this study as administrators and teachers was all 226 persons by using Krejcie and Morgan’s sample size determination table and stratified random sampling. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. The statistics used were the frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and F-test.

The results of independent research found that

  1. The level of personnel management of the basic school under The Office of Primary Educational Service Yala Area 2, overall was at high level.
  2. In comparing the difference of personnel management of the basic school under The Office of Primary Educational Service Yala Area 2 as classified by gender, ages and school size are overall and individual aspect was not different. The experience in the position that overall were different significant .01
  3. Processing suggestions of personnel management of the basic school under The Office of Primary Educational Service Yala Area 2 showed as : Administrators should be manpower planning, position determination and plan for resolve and adjust the problem. Administrators should be maintainable personnel suitable with the needs of the schools requirements, Administrators designation for personnel management framework to prepare for person, should be supervision, recruitment and appointment, there should be a training and supervision prior to appointment of those teachers and educational personnel.                             



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How to Cite

สาแล ม. (2022). The Personal Administration of Education School in Bannangstar District under the Yala Primary Education Service Area Office2. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 12(24), 289–308. Retrieved from



Research Article