Situational Leadership of School Administrators and Teacher Professional Standard of School under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Kongphop Vitchyagul -


This research purposes are to study the level of situational leadership of educational institute administrators under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 2) To study the level of compliance with professional standards for teacher performance under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 3) To compare the situational leadership of school administrators Classified by gender, position, work experience and education level under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 4) To compare professional standards for teacher performance Classified by gender, position, work experience and education level under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 5) To study the relationship between situational leadership of school administrators and professional standards of teacher performance under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 6) To compile a recommendation on situational leadership of school administrators and professional standards for teacher performance under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample are 449 people who work as the administrators and teachers calculating by Yamane formula, the research tool is the 4-part questionnaire, using statistics which are frequency, percentage, average, standard derivation, T-test, F-test. As the differences are detected, then use the test by Sheffe's Method and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.

             The results were as follows:

  1. The level of Situational Leadership of School Administrators under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 is great in overall.
  2. The level of compliance with professional standards for teacher performance under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The overall is great in overall.
  3. The comparation of the level of the Situational Leadership of School Administrators under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 by categorizing gender, work experience and education level are statistically significant differences at .001 except position differed statistically at the .01.
  4. Compare the level of the professional standards for teacher performance under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. by categorizing gender, position, work experience and education level are not different in overall.
  5. The relation between the Situational Leadership of School Administrators and the professional standards for teacher performance under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 are positive relation with statistical significance at .001
  6. the Suggestions about the Situational Leadership of School Administrators and professional standards for teacher performance under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 are Administrators should be used in situations where members lack knowledge and skills, The administrators encourage teachers to be creative and show their full potential.


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How to Cite

Vitchyagul, K. (2022). Situational Leadership of School Administrators and Teacher Professional Standard of School under Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 12(24), 1–17. Retrieved from



Research Article