Research The Roles of Masjids in the era of Nabi Muhammad


  • tanongsak madthing -


: The Roles, Masjids, Nabi Muhammad




This research article aims 1) to study about the nature of the masjids in the era of NabiMuhammad  , 2) to present the roles of Masjids in the era of NabiMuhammad  ,           by studying from the Holy Qur’an and Hadith as well as Muslim scholar’s opinions, According to the research result of the research : Masjid a place of salaah, The life of the early Muslims used to revolve around the masjid. Meetings would be held there, As for The roles of the masjid in the era of NabiMuhammad  , The masjid is a place of devotion to Allah  and a Center of reverence, The masjid is a place for disseminating teachings and promoting education, The masjid is a place of consultation and problem solving and masjid as a source of community welfare and assisting the poor in the area To have a better quality of life.










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How to Cite

madthing, tanongsak. (2023). Research The Roles of Masjids in the era of Nabi Muhammad . Al-HIKMAH Journal, 13(25), 22–36. Retrieved from



Research Article