The Discovery of the HR Brand Concept in Thailand


  • Supharuk Aticomsuwan
  • Ian Smith
  • Jamnean Joungtrakul


HR Brand, HR Strategic Partner, Brand Building, Image of employee


This research study explored the concept of the HR brand in the Thai context. It was a qualitatively designed study using grounded theory and the interview method. The interviews were conducted with 25 HR managers in Thailand and other experts who were selected by purposive sampling, theoretical sampling, and the snowball technique. The researcher transcribed and analyzed the interview data by applying a coding analysis which employed the process of grounded theorybuilding research. This research study also used the qualitative software, ATLAS.ti 6.2 program, to categorize all the codes that emerged from the raw data and for data management. The major findings were grouped into 21 categories. These exploratory findings revealed a new concept of the HR brand as a total brand reflection. In addition, a conceptual framework was used to understand the phenomenon of the new HR brand concept. This study’s findings contribute important new knowledge in the areas of HRM, HRD, OD, and marketing. It also opens up the view of HR professionals as employing more strategic thinking, thereby helping develop their skills of being a strategic partner in their company’s mission.

Keywords : HR Brand, HR Strategic Partner, Brand Building, Image of employee


How to Cite

Aticomsuwan, S., Smith, I., & Joungtrakul, J. (2013). The Discovery of the HR Brand Concept in Thailand. HRD Journal, 3(2), 20–30. retrieved from