Internal and External Risk Factors’ Influence on Management for Faculty of Education in Public Universities Thailand


  • Dhorn Suntrayuth


Risk Factors, Internal and External


The purposes of this study were, first, to determine the level of factors in location, size, and internal and external risk factors for management, second, to compare the level of internal and external risk in faculty of education of public universities classified by location and size, third, to determine the correlation between internal and external risk factors with management function in faculty of education, last, to construct the total Management By Expectancy (MBE) equation from internal and external risk factors. The samples, by means of stratified random sampling, consisted of 280 staff members in Faculty of Education, Public Universities in the year of 2008. The research tool for collecting data was a four-point rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for analyzing the data were means, standard deviations, t – tests, one way ANOVAs, product moment correlations, and stepwise regressions. The following were the main findings: 1) The internal and external risk factors in faculty of education of public universities were rated at the low level; 2) The location and size in faculty of education of public universities were found no significant difference; 3) The internal risk factors has significantly positive relationship (p < .01) with management function as a whole and each particular aspect, but the external risk factors had significantly positive relationship (p < .05) with management function as a whole and in each particular aspect; and 4) Each aspect of the internal and external risk factors could predict the management function in faculty of education of public universities, and found the factors on Man (X3), Material (X5), Management (X6). Product and Service (X2), and Structure (X1) could predict Management By Expectancy (MBE) (Y) at 73.10 %. It showed the join prediction with statistical significance at the .05 level.

Keywords : Risk Factors, Internal and External


How to Cite

Suntrayuth, D. (2013). Internal and External Risk Factors’ Influence on Management for Faculty of Education in Public Universities Thailand. HRD Journal, 3(2), 132–139. retrieved from