An Evaluation of the Master of Education Program in Curriculum and Instruction (Revised A.D.2016), Faculty of Education, Burapha University


  • Sirawan Faculty of Education, Burapha University
  • Parinya Thongsorn
  • Chanphorn Prommas
  • Roongfa Kitiyanusan
  • Wirote Chompoo
  • Paskorn Paksripang


Evaluation of curriculum, Curriculum and Instruction


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the Master of Education Program in Curriculum and Instruction (Revised A.D.2016), Faculty of Education, Burapha University by applying CIPP Evaluation model together with Thailand Qualification Framework for Higher Education B.E. 2552 and Graduate Program Standard Criteria B.E. 2558. The samples used in this research were: 1) five of external experts and faculty members responsible for the program, 2) eight of program faculty members and instructors teaching in the program, 3) thirty-three of alumni and current students, and 4) eleven of school administrators or supervisors. The research instruments were the online questionnaire and the structural interview. The research results showed that the Master of Education Program in Curriculum and Instruction (Revised A.D.2016), Faculty of Education, Burapha University by applying CIPP Evaluation model together with Thailand Qualification Framework for higher education B.E. 2552 and Graduate Program Standard Criteria B.E. 2558 in terms of context, input, process, and product were highly appropriate, overall were highly appropriate and in accordance with Thailand Qualification Framework for higher education A.D. 2552 and Standard Criteria for Graduate Program A.D. 2558.


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How to Cite

Sirawan, Thongsorn, P., Prommas, C., Kitiyanusan, R., Chompoo, W., & Paksripang, P. (2021). An Evaluation of the Master of Education Program in Curriculum and Instruction (Revised A.D.2016), Faculty of Education, Burapha University. HRD Journal, 11(2), 8–17. Retrieved from