A Study of Evaluation Methods and Results of an HIV/AIDS Education Program in a Selected Chinese University


  • Li Guyu
  • Watunyoo Suwannaset
  • Paratchanun Charoenarpornwattana


evaluation methods, evaluation results, selected, Chinese university, HIV/AIDS education


Human Resource Development (HRD) is a process of problem-defining and problem-solving. Not only does HRD focus on improving the performance of individuals and organizations, but it also leads to the development of organizations. Universities are the organizations that need long terms development. A selected Chinese university has received an award in HIV/AIDS education and prevention. It is an outstanding organization in HIV/AIDS education. Therefore, to explore their evaluation methods and results of an HIV/AIDS education program allows other universities to reconsider their evaluation system, as well as the HIV/AIDS education plan. This research is a qualitative study applying Single-Case Study strategy. The objectives include: 1) to explore the evaluation methods regarding the success of HIV/AIDS education activities at the university. 2) to explore the evaluation results towards HIV/AIDS education activities in the university. Semi-structured interview and structured interview were applied to interview one doctor, six health education instructors and nine students in this university. The research results highlighted that applying questionnaires to test Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAPs) was effective evaluation methods of HIV/AIDS education in a selected university. Moreover, employing interviews could assist the instructors to make a deeper understanding of the education results and opinions from the students.


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How to Cite

Guyu, L., Suwannaset, W., & Charoenarpornwattana, P. (2020). A Study of Evaluation Methods and Results of an HIV/AIDS Education Program in a Selected Chinese University. HRD Journal, 11(2), 18–30. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRDJ/article/view/246756