Migrant Worker Capability Management of Small and Medium Enterprises in Samutsakorn Province

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พนิดา นิลอรุณ
วิโรจน์ เจษฎาลักษณ์
จันทนา แสนสุข


This research aims to 1) investigate migrant worker capability which affects human resource management excellence and production efficiency 2) investigate human resource management system excellence and production efficiency which affect effective customer response 3) investigate effective customer response which affects organizational performance 4) investigate awareness of worker and diversity management capability which affect migrant worker capability. This study is a quantitative research. The sample consists of 351 small and medium manufacturers in Samutsakorn province. A research instrument is a questionnaire and the statistic to test an assumption is the structural equation modeling.

The research results reveal that the assumption-based model corresponds to the empirical data of which the chi-square equals to 146.284, the p-value of chi-square equals to 0.239, the ratio of chi-square to the degrees of freedom equal to 1.083, the CFI equals to 0.998, the GFI equals to 0.962, the AGFI equals to 0.956 and the RMSEA equals to 0.015.

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Research Articles


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