The Relationship Between Optimism and Well-Being of Airlines’ Employees after Being Lay Off during The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Effect of Resilience

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Voralux Vorapuksirikool


This study examines the relationship between optimism and well-being of airline employees after being laid off due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the mediating effect of resilience on this relationship. Data were collected via a questionnaire which was returned by 419 airline employees who had been laid off in these circumstances. The respondents were selected through a non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze and test the hypotheses. The results revealed that, although the relationship between optimism and well-being are strongly linked, it was partially mediated by resilience. This result is noteworthy for the airline employees when they are setting their attitudes and plans after being laid off. Not only optimism but also resilience is needed in these situations to maintain their feelings of well-being in their lives during such a crisis.

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