Designing Ways of Living According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy

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Wichai Utsahajit


This research, titled “Designing ways of Living According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy,” had two main objectives, namely (1) to present the core concept of Sufficiency Economy and its application to ways of living, and (2) to explore the design of ways of living according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. This qualitative research was conducted using KJ Method Brainstorming Technique to gather data from purposive groups of people who were working for Chaipattana Foundation in three projects and one office, namely (1) Academic Center for Agriculture, (2) Sudaduenpen Training Center, (3) Bhumirak Dhamachart Center, and (4) Office of Chaipattana Foundation with the total number of 42 persons which were grouped into 9 small groups during brainstorming.

Findings revealed that Sufficiency Economy Philosophy’s application to ways of living can be classified into the following 4 areas. The first area is “Life Principle/Beliefs” consisting of (1) adhering to moral, (2) not disturbing nor encroaching on self and others, (3) planning on way of living, and (4) being responsible for society and environment. The second area is “Living Daily Life” consisting of (1) taking good care of physical and mental health, (2) inhabiting and living appropriately, (3) commuting, (4) planning financially, and (5) developing own self continuingly.  The third area is “Working/Earning a Living” consisting of (1) earning a living decently and honestly, (2) adhering to work principle and good practice, and (3) making decent and honest extra income. The last area is “Planning for the Future” consisting of (1) planning for living in the future, (2) planning financially, and (3) learning and developing own self.  Lastly, the model of “House of Sufficiency Way of Living” was presented as a synthesized conceptual model.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Wichai Utsahajit, School of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Development Administration

Associate Professor at Graduate School of Human Resource Development


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