Career Counseling Guidelines Using Strengths to Develop Individual Job Performance

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Kongphob Khantipongpunthu
Korkiat Mahaveerachartkul


Although career counseling has a long history, strength-based career counseling is relatively new and has tended to focus on providing clients with more employment opportunities without regard to its other benefits such as to improve work competency and job performance. Therefore, the aim of this academic article is to present career counseling guidelines to develop individual job performance by using strengths; these guidelines integrate knowledge in three areas, namely strengths, counseling process, and performance management. The career counseling program consists of four sessions: 1) collect basic information including individual job performance and conduct an initial identification of the clients' strengths, 2) plan for performance development based on individual strengths, 3) encourage the client to capitalize on his/her strengths to significantly improve their performance, and 4) monitor and evaluate the development of the client’s job performance, and plan for the future use of strengths in his/her careers. Recommendations for career counselors to successfully apply the strengths to develop job performance are provided. This article will be beneficial to career counselors, researchers, or agencies responsible for human resource development who are interested in applying the strengths knowledge to develop the efficiency of personnel performance in line with the goals of organizations.

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Academic Articles


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