Working Behavior of Village Health Volunteers during New Emerging Disease: A Qualitative Study

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Naphat Wuttaphan


This qualitative research aims to study a work behavior of Thai village health volunteers during the emerging disease by 10 in-depth interview of Thai village health volunteers. A content analysis was implemented by text analysis, coding, themes and sub-themes then using the member checking, and triangulation technique were conducted to confirm the findings. The findings revealed that there were 5 components of village health volunteers’ work behavior during crisis which are willingness, assurance, sympathy, reliability, and impersonal to work. Furthermore, the factors that affect the work behavior consists of 3 mains factors which are hardiness personality and spiritual belief, work environment, and social factors which are emotional intelligent and psychological capital. This study will contribute to the knowledge and understanding not only the policy maker at all level but also the community to initiate the supportive program of the next crisis in order to create the mental strength as well as the hard and spiritual personality including the psychological capital to promote the mental growth and well-being.

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