The Role of Compassion as Immunity to Stressful Situations in Rubber Authority of Thailand
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The aim of the research was to study the effects of public service compassion, self-compassion and work stress on work engagement, the effect of self-compassion on public service compassion, and the influence of public service compassion and self-compassion on work engagement when moderated by work stress. A sample size of this study is consisted of 431 employees from the Rubber Authority of Thailand selected by using multi-stage sampling. The data was collected by questionnaires via an online application and was analyzed by using structural equation modeling technique. The results showed that public service compassion and self-compassion had positively affected work engagement. The results showed that work stress had negatively affected work engagement. It was also found that public service compassion and self-compassion had a more positive influence on work engagement when employees were exposed to more work stress. In addition, the research results found that self-compassion had a positive direct influence on public service compassion.
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