Effectiveness of Meaningfulness in Work Development Program for Generation Z Employees: A Pilot Study
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Although work meaningfulness enhancement programs have been developed, a meaningfulness in work training program for Generation Z (Gen Z), who make considerable use of high-tech equipment and require a suitable learning approach, has not been found. This study aimed to validate the training program's effectiveness in developing meaningfulness in work for Gen Z employees. The study employed a one-group pretest-posttest design and the participants were 16 Gen Z employees in two companies in the media agency industry in Bangkok, Thailand. The research instruments included the meaningfulness in work program, the meaningfulness questionnaire, and the semi-structured interview questions. The findings from repeated measures ANOVA demonstrated that the meaningfulness in work level of the post-test and follow-up periods was significantly higher than that of the pretest period at the .05 level. The interview results supported the effectiveness of the program, as well as the utilization of the techniques trained in the program in their work. Further usage of the program is encouraged to enhance meaningfulness in work, together with other potential benefits for Gen Z employees.
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