"จากแรงงานเวียดนามสู่การกลายเป็นคนทรงชั้นครู": การสร้างความเป็นของแท้ขึ้นใหม่ในพิธีทรงเจ้าของคนไทยเชื้อสายเวียดนามในจังหวัดอุดรธานี/“From Vietnamese Transnational Migrant Worker to Become the Master Spirit Medium”: Re-constructing Authenticity in Thai-Vietnamese Spirit Possession Rite in Udonthani province


  • ศิลปกิจ ตี่ขันติกุล faculty of Humanities and social science, KKU


Keywords: Vietnamese labour, Master medium, re-constructing authenticity, Thai-Vietnamese spirit possession rite


The purpose of this article is to study master medium life and re-constructing authenticity in Thai-Vietnamese spirit possession rite in Udonthani province.  By using qualitative research methodology, particularly “Life story” of master medium (Vietnamese labour) in which has been an important role in spirit possession rite practice.

          The research found that Vietnamese-Thai descendent in Udonthani province have decreasingly practiced spirit possession rite, cause of lack of master medium.  However, from the phenomenon of labor migration from Vietnam to Thailand, especially in the Northeast Thailand which has continued for more than two decades, some of them have turned into master medium.  And tried to re-constructing authenticity of spirit possession rite of Vietnamese-Thai descendent in Udonthani. By reference to spirit possession rite held in Vietnam such as decorating the altar and statue worship in the shrine, fill the spirit possession rite elements, and renewing the spirit possession rite for old spirit mediums.



Keywords: Vietnamese labour, Master medium, re-constructing authenticity, Thai-Vietnamese spirit possession rite


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How to Cite

ตี่ขันติกุล ศ. (2019). "จากแรงงานเวียดนามสู่การกลายเป็นคนทรงชั้นครู": การสร้างความเป็นของแท้ขึ้นใหม่ในพิธีทรงเจ้าของคนไทยเชื้อสายเวียดนามในจังหวัดอุดรธานี/“From Vietnamese Transnational Migrant Worker to Become the Master Spirit Medium”: Re-constructing Authenticity in Thai-Vietnamese Spirit Possession Rite in Udonthani province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 36(2), 55–73. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/165602


