“บ้าน” ของชาวมอญวังกะ : ความหมายและเงื่อนไขเบื้องหลังการให้นิยาม

The Notions of “Home” of Mon people at Baan Wang Ka: Meanings and Conditions of Given Definitions


  • ภควดี ทองชมภูนุช Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University
  • พัชรินทร์ ลาภานันท์ Center for Research on Plurality in the Mekong Region Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University


notions of “home”, Mon people at Baan Wang Ka, diasporas


This research article contributes to various fields of study including Mekong Studies, Anthropology and Ethnic Studies. Its purpose is to explain the meanings “home” of Mon people at Baan Wang Ka and the conditions of the given definitions. The study applied the concept of diaspora as a framework; data include literature on Mon history and fieldwork. Qualitative research methodology was employed; data collection was conducted during 2014-2015 at Baan Wang Ka, Hnongloo Sub-district, Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi Province. The results indicated that Mon people at Baan Wang Ka migrated from Mon State in Myanmar to Thailand in 1948. The migration was forced by the fighting between the Burma Army and the ethnic armed forces. In the later periods, there were also Myanmar migrants looking for better economic opportunities. Although the causes of migration were different, the statuses of Mon people at Baan Wang Ka were diasporas and the heirs of diasporas from Myanmar. Drawn on their status of being diasporas, their migration experience and experience of separation from homeland, Mon Baan Wang Ka have defined the term “home” in 4 ways: 1) “home” means  Wang Ka (Bon) which refers to current village where they live their life; 2) Wang Ka (Lang) referring to home in memories that they cannot return to as the village was flooded due the construction ofDam; 3) Mokka Niang and Chao Khae Lay which are the hometowns in Myanmar and 4) home referring to the motherland in history and memories of the ancient Mon Kingdom. A variety of meanings of the term “home” were given not solely from differences of generations of poeple and the reasons of migration, but there were complex conditions/factors behind the given definitions. Such conditions/factors include the status in Thailand, the integration into Thai society, legal status, economic opportunities and experiences at the individual level. Thus the notions of “home” are diverse and they are constructed under social and economic contexts rather than being static and specifically determined meaning.  

Keywords:  Notions of Home, Mon People , Wang Ka, Diaspora


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How to Cite

ทองชมภูนุช ภ. ., & ลาภานันท์ พ. . (2020). “บ้าน” ของชาวมอญวังกะ : ความหมายและเงื่อนไขเบื้องหลังการให้นิยาม : The Notions of “Home” of Mon people at Baan Wang Ka: Meanings and Conditions of Given Definitions . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 37(2), 173–203. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/215291


