
Role of Women for Conflict Management by Peaceful Means in Thailand


  • อภิญญา ดิสสะมาน


Role of women, Conflict management, Peaceful means, Thailand


      The topic of research article is “Role of Women for Conflict Management in Thailand” by analyzing the role of women resolve the conflict in their areas through 4 dimensions: politic dimension, economic dimension, environmental dimension and social dimension. Moreover, this research is concentrated to analysis in impact factors and obstacle factors to pushing peace process from the women for resolving the problems in Thailand. Furthermore, this research found the uniqueness of the role of women in each part of Thailand. This methodology of research is mix-method that combine qualitative and quantitative method by using questionnaires and in-depth interview for finding research information. The quantitative samples were 1,000 people of community women leaders, women civil servants who have a role for conflict resolutions and the quantitative samples were 20 persons in each regions. The  results  of  the research were   as   follows: the  role of women in  economic conflict resolution in Thailand consisting  was  a  high  level  of  overall  roles and statistically  significant value  was  at  4.25 level. In this paper express how the women use peace process, negotiation process and mediation process for managing or transforming conflicts in their situations. The research finding reflects essential dimension that the women muscularly concentrate to resolve is economical dimension.

Keywords : Role of women, Conflict management, Peaceful means, Thailand

Author Biography

อภิญญา ดิสสะมาน

Academic ,Office of Peaceand Governance,King Prajadhipok's Instittue


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How to Cite

ดิสสะมาน อ. . (2020). บทบาทของสตรีกับการจัดการความขัดแย้งโดยสันติวิธีในประเทศไทย: Role of Women for Conflict Management by Peaceful Means in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 37(2), 1–18. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/225123


