
Factors affecting Traffic Rule Compliance Behavior of Motorcycle Riders in Songkhla Province


  • อิสระ ทองสามสี -Ph.D. (Management), Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 2015-M.P.A. (Public Administration), Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 2002-B.Ed. (Educational Measurement and Evaluation), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand, 2011-Certificate in Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand, 2001-B.A. in Sociology/Social Development (First Class Honors), Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 1996
  • กันยปริณ ทองสามสี


Behavioral Intention, Traffic Rule Compliance, Motorcycle Riders, Songkhla Province


The increasing popularity of motorcycles in Thailand was a significant concern as motorcycle riders
represent 76% of all road accidents and an even greater proportion of serious injuries. This study was to explain factors affecting traffic rule compliance behavior and determine the mediator effect of behavioral intention in the relationship between perceived behavioral control and traffic rule compliance behavior. Data was collected from 590 young riders in Songkhla province by means of structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed with partial least square structural equation modeling technique. The results showed that the TPB model explained 77.6% of the variance in compliance intentions and 65.3% of compliance behavior. Besides, the direct effect of attitude and subjective norm on behavioral intention, and perceived behavioral control on traffic rule compliance behavior were also confirmed in this study. According to our findings clearly demonstrated that the relationship between perceived behavioral control and traffic rule compliance behavior was better understood if the influence of behavioral intention, as a mediating variable of the aforementioned relationship, was taken into account. To summarize, the findings of this study provided a preliminary support for the theory of planned behavior as an effective framework for examining rule compliance in young riders.


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How to Cite

ทองสามสี อ. ., & ทองสามสี ก. . (2020). ปัจจัยที่ส่งผลต่อพฤติกรรมการปฏิบัติตามกฎจราจรของผู้ขับขี่รถจักรยานยนต์ในจังหวัดสงขลา: Factors affecting Traffic Rule Compliance Behavior of Motorcycle Riders in Songkhla Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 37(1), 161–186. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/228563


