
Foreign Labor Protection of Firms under Social Security Fund


  • กันยปริณ ทองสามสี -Ph.D. (Management), Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 2015-M.P.A. (Public Administration), Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 2002-B.Ed. (Educational Measurement and Evaluation), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand, 2011-Certificate in Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand, 2001-B.A. in Sociology/Social Development (First Class Honors), Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 1996
  • อิสระ ทองสามสี
  • รัญชิดา สังขดวง
  • สมฤดี สงวนแก้ว


Social Security Fund, Foreign Worker, Labor Protection



          Social Security Fund was established to provide security for 7 benefits of workers’ lives continuously covering foreign workers. This research aims to 1) describe the conditions of protection of foreign workers in Pattani province, 2) explain the level of knowledge and foreign workers’ protection on social security fund, and 3) provide suggestions for the protection of foreign workers under the rights of the Social Security Fund. This study applied a mixed-method by using the parallel database variant design. The qualitative study uses ten informants created by in-depth interviews, comprising of 210 workers from Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos, respectively workers. The data were collected by a questionnaire developed from related research and met the validity and reliability test. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using basic statistics. The result showed that the foreign national workers were registered according to the compensation fund as Thai workers. Provincial social security officers in Pattani provide knowledge about the benefits of the fund and offer clarification documents, including received guidance from the employers made a high level of knowledge about the right and benefits. Likewise, they obtain the highest level of protection from the Social Security Fund. Furthermore, it was found that government officers and employers should develop healthcare service, financial service, language development to contact with insurers, and compulsory evidence of foreign insured persons.

Keywords: Social Security Fund, foreign worker, labor protection


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How to Cite

ทองสามสี ก. ., ทองสามสี อ. ., สังขดวง ร. ., & สงวนแก้ว ส. . (2020). การคุ้มครองแรงงานต่างด้าวของสถานประกอบการตามสิทธิประกันสังคม: Foreign Labor Protection of Firms under Social Security Fund . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 37(3), 54–78. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/235381


