
A Study of the Interaction of Petty Traders in the Local Wet Markets of Northeastern in the Trust Concept


  • กฤษดา ปัจจ่าเนย์ ไทย
  • มุกดา วงค์อ่อน ม.ขอนแก่น
  • บัวพันธ์ พรหมพักพิง
  • นิลวดี พรหมพักพิง


Interaction, Petty Traders, Trust, Local Wet Market



The objective of this paper is to study socio-economic interactions of petty traders in the local wet markets of Northeastern through lens of trust perspective. The research adopted qualitative research and 6 local wet markets in Nakhon phanom and Khonkean province were selected to conduct field studies. The data were collected using in-depth reviews and participant and non- participant observation with 49 petty traders and in-depth interviews with 24 local wet market managers. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis.

The results revealed three patterns of petty trader’s interactions in the local wet, these are interaction with producers, with middleman, wholesaler and business operator, and with consumers. Social interactions which are enmeshed in economic interaction are both the result of the sources of trust. These interactions provide a solid ground on which wet markets are operated as a space for petty traders to earn their living. Therefore, the considered on quality control of the products in the local wet market should be include the petty traders’ network and they socio-economic interaction.

Keyword: Interaction, Petty Traders, Local Wet Market, Trust


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How to Cite

ปัจจ่าเนย์ ก. ., วงค์อ่อน ม., พรหมพักพิง บ. ., & พรหมพักพิง น. . (2021). การศึกษาปฏิสัมพันธ์ของผู้ค้ารายย่อยในตลาดสดท้องถิ่นอีสานผ่านมุมมองแนวคิดความไว้เนื้อเชื่อใจ: A Study of the Interaction of Petty Traders in the Local Wet Markets of Northeastern in the Trust Concept. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 38(1), 26–52. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/244534


