
The Creation of Novel and Thai Culture Representation in Prapt’s Crime Fiction


  • กฤต โสดาลี


Crime fiction, Representation, Thai Cultures, นวนิยายสืบสวน , ภาพแทน , วัฒนธรรมไทย


The purposes of the current study were to study the creation of novels of Prapt’s crime fiction and to study Thai culture representation used by the author in creating crime fiction.  The scope of the study was 3 Prapt’s crime fictions including Kahon Mahoratuk (2014), Nirat Mahannop (2015), and Ling Pad Gwlorn (2018). The results of the study show that the author includes Buddhism religious places, social history, and historical events that exist in Thai society. Moreover, the presence of language, literature, believe, and laws in the three crime fictions make them represent 6 characteristics of Thai cultures including representation of Thai cultures and ladylike, representation of Thai cultures and architecture, representation of Thai cultures and ecosystem, representation of Thai cultures and beliefs, and representation of Thai cultures and composition.


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How to Cite

โสดาลี ก. (2022). การสร้างนวนิยายและภาพแทนวัฒนธรรมไทยในนวนิยายสืบสวนของปราปต์: The Creation of Novel and Thai Culture Representation in Prapt’s Crime Fiction. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 39(1), 1–20. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/251371


