Guidelines for promoting creative marketing channels of enterprise groups, Koh Lak subdistrict, Mueang district, Prachuap Khiri Khan province


  • Karn Wattanaprateep Siam Technology College
  • Thipsuda Muenharn Siam Technology College
  • Supawadee Somsri Siam Technology College


Promotion, marketing channels, community enterprise


       The purposes of this research are to investigate the problems and to study ways to  romote creative marketing channels of Koh Lak Community Enterprises, Muang district, and Prachuap Khiri Khan province. This research was conducted within the qualitative framework, employing interview and focus group techniques to elicit data from the participants purposively selected.
       The results showed that problems of Koh Lak Community Enterprise Group, Muang district, Prachuap Khiri Khan province are as follows: 1) Management problems: It was found that a number of group member were the elderly who lacked knowledge of marketing analysis and communication skills, price setting, high costs of transportation, distribution sources were not yet diverse, and there was a limitation in the budget for marketing activities. 2) Technology problems: It was found that the senior members lack online communication skills, photography skill, advertising in online media channels, and using social media communication tools. 3) Marketing problems: Mosts of group members lacked knowledge and understanding in the development of creative marketing channels, marketing personnel, experience in sales and marketing, offline store locations, and distributors to expand markets. Guidelines to promote creative marketing channels of the Koh Lak Community Enterprise Group, Muang district, Prachuap Khiri Khan province are as follows: online marketing channels, knowledge of Facebook Page creation should be provided. There should be plans for regular posts on Facebook Page and also for launching community products on various platforms. For the offline marketing channel, there should be product displays in order to advertise products of the community enterprise group. Participation in OTOP exhibitions in various areas should also encouraged.


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How to Cite

Wattanaprateep, K., Muenharn, T., & Somsri, S. (2023). Guidelines for promoting creative marketing channels of enterprise groups, Koh Lak subdistrict, Mueang district, Prachuap Khiri Khan province. Academic journal of north Bangkok university, 12(2), 28–37. retrieved from


