For the Sake of “People’s Health”: “Health Ideologies Amidst the Contemporary Cannabis Movement in Thai Society"

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ชาติญ ชาวโพธิ์เอน


This study delves into the debates and movements surrounding the evolution of cannabis's status in Thai society, transitioning from a legally prohibited narcotic plant, as commonly perceived within contemporary public health frameworks, to being acknowledged as an alternative herb with potential for lawful application in alternative medicine, nutrition, and recreation. Despite being propelled by diverse ideologies and interests, participants in these discussions and actions, notably intensified during the period from 2019 to 2023, were unified by their shared claim of advancing the 'well-being' of the populace. While initiatives advocating for legal cannabis had been ongoing before 2019, primarily championed by alternative medicine advocates, it wasn't until a prominent political party made it a focal point of their 2019 election campaign that it gained significant societal traction. Subsequently, following the election, the Ministry of Public Health (MPH), under the governance of that political party from 2019 to 2023, consistently endeavored to legalize cannabis as a flagship policy.

This study suggests that the MPH’s stance on cannabis legalization, as the principal body of modern public health in Thailand, diverged from other public health organizations and institutions, which consistently rejected cannabis. This divergence led to the formation of alliances amidst different actors—political parties, the MPH, traditional health insitution and recreational cannabis users—each with different health-related objectives, yet working together toward the same goal of legalization. Ultimately, the push for cannabis legalization was achieved but it remained contingent upon the conditions set by modern medical practices.

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How to Cite
ชาวโพธิ์เอน ช. (2024). For the Sake of “People’s Health”: “Health Ideologies Amidst the Contemporary Cannabis Movement in Thai Society". รัฐศาสตร์พิจาร, 11(22), 79–148. สืบค้น จาก


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