Americanism and Fordism in Gramsci’s Thought: Industrial Modernity, Cultural Hegemony, and Contemporary Relevance

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Watcharabon Buddharaksa


This paper critically examines Antonio Gramsci’s concepts of Americanism and Fordism, articulated in his Prison Notebooks, to explore their significance in understanding the development of capitalist production, social relations, and cultural hegemony. Gramsci analyzed Americanism and Fordism as new modes of production and social organization that emerged in the United States during the early 20th century, characterized by scientific management, mass production, and the integration of workers into a consumerist society. This paper highlights Gramsci’s nuanced interpretation of these models as mechanisms for cultivating consent and establishing a new form of cultural hegemony that extends beyond the factory floor. By connecting Gramsci’s analysis to contemporary shifts from Fordism to post-Fordism, the rise of neoliberalism, and the emergence of digital capitalism, the paper demonstrates the enduring relevance of his framework for analyzing current political-economic transformations. It concludes that Gramsci’s insights into the relationship between economy and culture provide valuable tools for understanding the dynamic construction of hegemony and the potential avenues for resistance in today’s globalized world.

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How to Cite
Buddharaksa, W. (2024). Americanism and Fordism in Gramsci’s Thought: Industrial Modernity, Cultural Hegemony, and Contemporary Relevance. รัฐศาสตร์พิจาร, 11(22), 1–16. สืบค้น จาก


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