Development Process of Grains Ba-Jang for Commercial Production by Community Participation in Tannamtip Sub-district, Yala Province
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This research aims to study the process development and study the customer satisfaction toward Ba-Jang of dessert producer group at Ban Ayyaweang, Tannamtip sub-district, Betong district, Yala province. This spatial research focuses on the level of community participation and involvement, which include several activities. These activities are surveying the target area, implementing technology development and technology transfer to the target groups, studying the consumer’s satisfaction, evaluating and summarizing the project. The results show that the dessert producer group is able to apply the knowledge gained from research development and their Ba-jang product also meets the consumers’ needs. Members have production skills and are able to improve the consistency in quality. The local producer gains higher income, and the survey results indicate customers’ high level of satisfaction toward Ba-Jang overall.
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