Publication Ethics
Publisher Ethics
Area Based Development Research Journal is a dedicated academic publication that recognizes the paramount importance of ethics in scholarly research. Thus, all stakeholders involved in the publication process of the journal are expected to adhere to the guidelines set forth by "The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)" ( To ensure the originality of submitted manuscripts, the plagiarism detection tool "copycatch" will be employed. Any manuscript found to have a similarity index exceeding 30% will be returned to the author for revision and clarification. Failure to address this issue promptly may lead to the manuscript being rejected outright, thereby concluding the review process. Furthermore, in order to foster impartiality and mitigate potential conflicts of interest, Area Based Development Research Journal upholds a double-blind peer review policy for all manuscripts it receives.
Editor Ethics
The editorial team of the Area Based Development Research Journal comprises an Editorial Board, an Editor-in-Chief, a Managing Editor, and an Editorial Assistant.
The Editorial Board offers valuable guidance and advice on academic matters, and its members may also serve as reviewers for submitted manuscripts. The Editorial Board consists of experts in various research areas relevant to the themes covered by the Area Based Development Research Journal.
When a manuscript is submitted, the Editor-in-Chief assigns it to an appropriate member of the Editorial Board or the Managing Editor. They take charge of assigning the manuscript to reviewers who possess the relevant area of interest and expertise. The Editor-in-Chief carefully evaluates the reviewers' feedback and, based on this input, makes the final decision on whether a manuscript should be accepted for publication or rejected. To ensure a smooth publication process, all editors of the Area Based Development Research Journal are expected to adhere to the provided guidelines. These guidelines help maintain the integrity and quality of the journal's content.
1. The editors must uphold all ethical principles in decisions related to Area Based Development Research Journal.
2. The editors must select reviewers who have relevant expertise and do not have any conflicts of interest with the authors of the manuscript.
3. The editors must not disclose the identity of the reviewers to the authors and vice versa. Furthermore, the editors must not disclose any information from a manuscript before its publication.
4. Information or comments from the reviewers must be kept confidential and should not be used for personal advantage.
Reviewer Ethics
Reviewers contribute significantly to the quality and scholarly value of manuscripts. Their expertise, comments, and suggestions help authors enhance the quality of their work and ensure that the manuscript meets the standards for publication while contributing to academic knowledge. To fulfill the objectives of the review process effectively, reviewers are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Reviewers should decline review requests if the manuscript falls outside their area of expertise, ensuring that they only evaluate manuscripts within their field of knowledge.
2. Reviewers should provide comments and opinions based solely on their expertise and without any conflicts of interest. Objective and impartial assessments are crucial for maintaining the integrity and fairness of the review process.
3. Reviewers must maintain confidentiality and not disclose any information or results from the manuscript before its publication. Protecting the confidentiality of the manuscript ensures the integrity of the peer review process.
4. Reviewers should promptly notify the editor if they suspect any instances of duplicated works or plagiarism within the manuscript, helping to uphold academic integrity and ensure the originality of the research.
Author Ethics
Authorship of a manuscript should be attributed only to those individuals who have made significant contributions to its conception and writing. By adhering to the following guidelines, authors contribute to the transparency and integrity of the publication process, ensuring fair and accurate representation of their research findings.
1. The manuscript should not have been previously published in any other journal before submission to Area Based Development Research Journal.
2. Authors may submit their manuscript to other journals only after it has been declined by Area Based Development Research Journal. This practice helps maintain the integrity of the review process and prevents simultaneous submissions.
3. The corresponding author bears the responsibility of addressing all comments and suggestions provided by the reviewers. In cases where authors disagree with specific comments from reviewers, they should provide a clear and comprehensive explanation. However, the final decision regarding the manuscript rests with the Editor-in-Chief.
4. Area Based Development Research Journal enforces a stringent policy regarding authorship changes. If any author intends to modify the order of authors, such as adding/deleting an author or changing the corresponding author, approval from all authors must be obtained and documented.
Human Research Ethics
Area Based Development Research Journal adheres to established ethical standards for human research, including approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or ethics committee and compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki. For research involving participants or volunteers, authors must ensure that all procedures comply with applicable laws and institutional guidelines. Authors are required to include a statement in the manuscript specifying that any experiments or clinical trials involving humans received ethics committee approval. The approval code or reference must also be provided in the manuscript to ensure transparency and adherence to ethical standards.
Publication Ethics for Plagiarism
Area Based Development Research Journal places great importance on addressing plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, and has established a publication ethics for plagiarism. This Journal considers plagiarism or self-plagiarism to be unacceptable in academic publications and a violation of academic ethics. When referencing the work of others or one’s previous work, it is essential to clearly distinguish the referenced material from the original text by using appropriate formatting, such as indentation, quotation marks, and proper citation of the source. If plagiarism is detected in a submitted manuscript, this Journal will take the following actions:
- If plagiarism is detected at the initial stage of manuscript submission (the similarity percentage is 20%), the editor will notify the author of the issue directly. The manuscript will be returned to the author for clarification and appropriate correction before proceeding to peer review. If the similarity percentage exceeds 20%, the manuscript will be immediately rejected.
- If plagiarism and misconduct are detected during the publication process, the editor will notify the author of the issue directly and request an explanation and additional details in cases where the similarity percentage exceeds 20%. The editor will convene a meeting with the editorial board to review the matter following the journal's publication ethics. If plagiarism or a violation of publication ethics is confirmed, the article will not be published, but withdrawn from the publication process.
- If plagiarism and misconduct are detected after publication, the editor and the editorial team will conduct a preliminary investigation. The following actions will be taken based on the level of violation or plagiarism. In case of plagiarism, if the similarity percentage exceeds 20%, the article will be retracted but remain appear on the journal website. A notice will be added indicating that the article has been found to contain plagiarized content or misconduct. The notice will state that the responsibility for the plagiarism lies solely with the author(s).
Self-Plagiarism: This journal acknowledges that some cases of self-plagiarism may occur. When self-plagiarism is detected, our editorial team will take appropriate steps to address self-plagiarism. Author(s) may submit additional conference papers to this journal; however, the title, text, and content of the submitted manuscript must differ from those of the published proceedings. If the manuscript is identical to the published paper, it must require to be properly cited.
Publication Ethics for the Use of AI Tools
Authors bear full responsibility for ensuring the originality and integrity of the content they submit for publication. The authors are expected to adhere strictly to the journal's editorial policies concerning authorship and publishing ethics. This entails a careful review of the outputs produced by such AI tools to confirm the accuracy and appropriateness of the content. Furthermore, authors must transparently declare their use of Generative AI tools, providing proper acknowledgment and citations following the journal's guidelines.