The Process to Create a Pattern of Mud Mee Woven Fabric with the Participation of Ban Muang Hom Woven Handicraft Group, Phitsanulok Province
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This research aims to design the weaving and dyeing techniques through community’s participation. The research is a blend of both qualitative and quantitative approaches in the form of action research. The sample group is 10 people from Mudmee Ban Muang Hom, Wang Thong district, Phitsanulok province. The research is conducted in 3 stages: 1) an exploration of the local context, 2) a workshop on weaving patterns development, and 3) an evaluation of consumers’ satisfaction. The instruments employed include a survey, interview and questionnaire. The 3 key research findings are revealed. 1) The community needs to upgrade the products to meet the OTOP standards and the ability to design woven fabric patterns. 2) The Mee Khan woven patterns and cloth dyeing developed through community participatory process are (1) Mee Kho Thayang patterns, (2) Mee Dok khud San patterns, (3) Mee Luk Khang patterns, and (4) Mee Seelaim Khan patterns; the 4 dye-colors are yellow, fuchsia pink, emerald green and black. 3) The consumers’ satisfaction with the developed patterns of woven fabric is at a high level. The woven fabric products have been awarded a 4-star of OTOP standards.
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4(1), 59-81.
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