The development of natural dyes cotton bag, Sapanpla weaving groups in Sathon, Nathavee Songkhla province.

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ศศิธร วิศพันธุ์


         The objective of the research is for development of natural dyes cotton bag, Sapanpla weaving groups in Sathon, Nathavee Songkhla province. For relaying knowledge and  development of the natural dyes cotton bag to the Sapanpla weaving groups and for satisfied of natural dyes cotton bag from Sapanpla weaving groups in Sathon, Nathavee Songkhla province. First of all we research from basic then the second we analysis the detail for design. Thirdly, we will design following  from theory for beauty of design, modern product and appropriate of the working women. The Forth step, to develop design for creating process. The Fifth, we were relaying knowledge and training of the natural dyes cotton bag to the Sapanpla weaving groups. Finaly, assessment of the product and satisfaction from Sapanpla weaving groups and a customer. The research Tools are interview, design of product, the satisfaction questionnaire for natural dyes cotton bag and analysis from Mean and Standard Deviation. From the result, the most of natural dyes cotton bag are shoulder and hand bag. The results of the relaying knowledge and development of the natural dyes cotton bag that make Sapanpla weaving groups to knowledge, understanding and skill for making the modern bag which the evaluation that found that mean 3.63 of the most consumer satisfied for the first design of the natural dyes cotton bag. The first overall mean 4.06 that can producing of product. The product is appropriate of the working women, conveniently to using, beauty of design and modern.

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