Guidelines for Improving the Physical Environment in Public Area of the Kwan Phayao to Support the Elderly's Activities

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Pantapat Boonma


              The research is the study of the physical environments for the elders in the Kwan Phayao public area, divided into two parts: part 1 concerning survey as a research tool to explore the physical features of the area and part 2 about a questionnaire to explore activity and elders’ needs who used the area.The findings are summarized that physical appearances are both supportive and unaccommodating for elders’ activities as being without parking lot, signs, three-dimensional diagram and with nonstandard ramps. Besides, ramp and staircase have no guard rail and road connection in several areas. There is no toilet in the area, but with nonstandard toilet nearby. Seats are without backrest in the risky area, including uneven, obstructive surface of roads without tactile surface. Most elderly who use the area are couples living in Phayao, retirees, unemployed, and domestic workers. Most used the space 3-5 days a week in the evening. Causes of inconvenient reason are rain and childcare. Most walked in the area for jogging and exercises, and their satisfaction for using the area is at a low level. Based on the findings, the guideline is proposed: additional activity area should be provided for the diversity in use for all ages and increasing the spot of crossing, such as crosswalks, crossing signal, and fixing the ramp to allow the wheelchair to be used. Physical characteristics unfound or do not meet the criteria used for studying physical features of the area can be improved to meet the criteria by considering the convenience, safety and context of the area. The improvement of such physical characteristics will make public areas along the Kwan Phayao as a model for the management of the area to support the use of the area of the elderly, which will help promote tourism of Kwan Phayao.

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