Kitchen Furniture Design For Elderly In a Semi – Rural, Semi-Urban In The Northeast
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The research is mixed methods research by process of research. The research consists of qualitative research and experimental research which have objective design for kitchen furnitures that appropriate with behavior and elder life in semi rural town. The experimental groups of research are elder which lives in Northwestern Thailand. The elder groups have to live in MuangSila, Sila Muang KhonKaen. They are experimental groups of research. The main reason why we are selecting Sila Muang KhonKaen due to this area has many elder. The community of semi rural town that maketelder in Sila area. They have to adapt their lifestyle under physical environment and society that will be change. Especially, when you were becoming elder, your body have defects. So, you should be using kitchen furnitures that appropriate with your physical. The develop the concept of design have 4 parts, the first are survey lifestyle of physical environment and society. The second are studing to behavior elder how their cook. The third are develop approach of design and produce phototype kitchen furniture for elder in semi rural town at northeastern. The fourth are using experimental kitchen furnitures for experimental groups of research are elder in semi rural town at northeastern. which have approach main issues for design 3 part. The first is a kitchen furniture design have comfortable for elder and reduce movement. The second is reduce accident while they were cooking meal. The third is hygiene part. Which this research is using these approach for design furnitures and produce new furniture that are selecting 3 from 5 areas that easy to use for elder and easily produce these funitures.Which is the food preparation, area cooking area and the washing area that are ready for experts to help evaluate the draft before producing the model for actual used by experimental group of research. Form survey satisfication of goup elder 16 people that exellrent result. In the part form approach and size, it can make elder pay attention to this furniture. They will be useful information of this research for apply their house but you check price of material that low price for consistent with the power of the target group. Thisresearch is an innovative product designed by the researcher to be patented and plans to expand to the elderly in other areas.
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