The development of sugarcane leaf fibers for the production of apparel’s accessories

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Sarun Jankaew
Miyoung Seo
Kriangsak Khiaomang


This research aims to 1) Develop the sugarcane leaf fibers by immersion bio-fermentation water method 2) Produce the handicraft sugarcane leaf yarn by using mixed cocoon silk and 3) Industrial standard test of sugar cane leaf woven to design and apparel products. The research found that the concentration of bio-fermented water were 80 percent by 50 liters of capacity per fresh sugarcane leaf to tear off the core 10 kilograms for 4 months in immersion fermentation time were up 45 percent yield. Transform the fiber by boiling with 10 liters of water mixed with 0.2 grams of sodium hydroxide at 100 degrees Celsius for an hour to yield 55.55 percent. When using 20, 40, 60 and 80 percent cocoon fibers mixed with sugarcane leaf fibers. Then use the rim to turn it into a fluff before hitting thread found that cocoon fibers were mixed in 4 qualities of sugarcane leaf products. The industrial standards testing of sugarcane leaf woven yarn as the following results were maximum tear resistance 32.96 were formula 3 (60: 40). The pulling forces of yarn according to weft thread were 4.73 Newton. The speeds of the stretch were 34.76 mm. using the formula 2 (40: 60). The average maximum thicknesses were 1.291 mm. using formula 4 (80: 20). The bend of the weft thread were 5.50 centimeters using formula 4 (80: 20) and the average highest moisture were 8.22 percent, which were the fourth piece (80: 20). When design focused on using the apparel products, it was found that sugarcane leaf woven yarn could produce bags, hats and shoes. They were shapely, beautiful and strong for use.


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