Development of an interactive picture book

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Kotchaphan Youngmee
อรทัย สุทธิจักษ์


The purposes of this development of the interactive picture book were (1) to create model of an interactive picture book, (2) to develop an interactive picture book, (3) to evaluate the quality of this interactive picture book, and (4) to evaluate the satisfaction from upper secondary school students towards this interactive picture book. The sample population was 360 upper secondary school students in the Muang district of Maha Sarakham province whom were randomly drawn using the simple random sampling technique. The research instruments used were (1) the model of an interactive picture book, (2) the interactive picture book, (3) the design evaluation form, (4) the quality evaluation form, and (5) the satisfaction evaluation form. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean ( ), and standard deviation (S.D.)

            The study results showed that the model of an interactive picture book contains 4 elements: users, the picture book, reading, and interaction. Also, the interaction between users and the picture book has 4 steps. First, the smartphone or tablet application connects to the internet. Then, users scan a picture from the picture book using the Aurasma application. Next, the application processes the picture into a cartoon animation or a video clip. Finally, the application displays the said clip. Overall, the result of the design of the picture book has 6 components, which was appropriate and it can be adapted for use by the sample population. The quality evaluation was done on the following 8 aspects of the interactive picture book: make of the book, organization of accompanied pictures, presentation, language and alphabet, cover book, content, cartoon animation/video clip, and interaction and book usage. With these quality aspects, the quality of book was evaluated at the very-high level. The sample upper secondary school students expressed their satisfaction with the interactive picture book at the highest level.

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