Elderly living space: preferences and needs of older persons in Bangkok metropolitan

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Supawadee Boonyachut


Like other countries’ population worldwide, Thailand’s population has also been aging continually. This study sought for an age-friendly space suitable for older persons mainly in Bangkok. Results show that the interests and activities of the elderly are mostly home-based. The average needed areas are bedding, living area, and bathroom in the elder cottage housing opportunity “ECHO type”. Sufficient necessary items for new design of elder care room/space are 6 feet wide bed, wardrobe, air conditioner, fan, and sofa. Air conditioner is used only at night. Fan is preferred at daytime. Preferred floor finishing material is non-slip surface ceramic tiles. Daylight white fluorescent lamp is preferred in most rooms as it provides sufficient intensity and does not create shaded area in the rooms. Most needed equipment in the bathroom is the support rail at water closet and bath area. Bathing chair is also an interesting item to older persons. Affordable price is 10 times of household income.

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