Design of bamboo pavilion to develop community exhibition centers A case study of Bahn Sai-Ngam Community Area Prachinburi

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Thirarat Srikhongchan


The purposes of this research are 1) to study Term exhibition (SALA) community, and assign the identity awareness and the community identity to promote community product value. 2) to develop Term exhibition (SALA)’ its economy, materials innovation and technology prototypes, and universal design. For the research process, Mixed Methods Research is being used by the researcher for enhancing the universal design in Prachantakam District, Prachinburi Province. There are 30 participants joined the focus group who were experts, local technicians,who work in Sub district Administration Organization (Bahn Sai -Ngam Community)  The research was devided into 2 sections including 1) questionnaire 2) in-depth interviews and descriptive statistics. As the results,

  1. The capability area: The community enterprise aims to increase income for the communities in Bahn Sai - Ngam through more convenient transportation and sufficient natural resources production.

  2. The Cost of Bamboo Stems: Nowadays, it is costly for establishing bamboo exhibition due to many sizes of bamboo stems in demand; particularly during the rainy season; as bamboos cuts may damage bamboo shoots making the price of bamboo so high during this wet season. Due to the high demand, therefore the government should promote more bamboo planting in Prachinburi Province to increase the supply of bamboos with lower costs.

  3. The modification in bamboo stems’ sizes: The integration between bamboo and of modern material is useful; especially for adapting the modular system in design. The process can lower the cost of bamboo, and reduce the weight of bamboo structure as well. Moreover, it is practical to transport and install SALA in anywhere, The research may contribute to local economic development, reduction of social inequality, and also a creation of additional income for the communities.

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