Study and development of community waste management to encourage ecotourismcase study: Bangchan community Chanthaburi province

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Kemchart Cheychom
Juthathip Namwong
Navy Pleawjit
Samart Chanthana
Wimalin Santajit


The objectives of this research were 1.Study the condition and problems of Ban Bang Chan Community Waste Management, Bang Chan Subdistrict, Khlung District, Chanthaburi Province. 2. Study guidelines for the development of tourist attractions and community waste management at Ban Bang Chan, Bang Chan Subdistrict, Khlung District, Chanthaburi Province 3. Set guidelines for waste management. for use in the community. There is a mixed research model (Mixed Method). There is a research method by observing the conditions and the problem of community waste management at Ban Bang Chan by the research team to the community to observe collect preliminary data for data analysis Data collection was conducted by using a questionnaire for a sample of people living in Ban Bang Chan community in 6 villages and tourists who used Ban Bang Chan homestay service. Statistics were used to analyze percentage data and Arithmetic Mean. There was an in-depth interview assigning key informants as community leaders to lead the guidelines in the development of tourist attractions and Ban Bangchan community waste management.The results of the study revealed that 1. the condition and problems of waste management in the Ban Bang Chan community were quite critical. Because there are many homestays. resulting in a large number of tourists And most of the villagers live in the sea area. resulting in no waste storage space and sorted properly When the product is used up, it is thrown into the sea. Garbage left over from food consumption is dumped into water sources or incinerated, which is the wrong way to dispose of waste. thus creating a toxic environment During the monsoon season, garbage will float along the beach. 2. Guidelines for the development of tourist attractions and the management of Ban Bang Chan's community waste have caused more solid waste problems in the community. due to the carelessness of tourists and dealing with the amount of waste in the community that is not properly managed as it should be the increasing number of tourists has led to more investment in accommodation. From observing the area surrounding the construction And renovating the homes of the people in the community to be more homestays nowadays. Guidelines for participation in the development and promotion of tourism There has been more development of cultural heritage sites. Communities collaborate in the conservation of marine natural resources. and an important holistic environment, which is a tourist attraction of the community. 3. Waste management approaches for the benefit of the community can use the sustainable material design thinking process as follows: 1. Reduce the use of resources 2. Long Life & High Performance 3. Design Life Cycle 4.Turn waste into resources 5. Circular Economy 6. Collaboration Division

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