Designing and developing children’s outerwear made from Karen hand- woven fabric

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Saowanee Ratnidhikunanon
Pensiri Karunborirak
Charawi Yangchisucharitp


The objectives of this study were to design and develop children’s outerwear made from Karen hand-woven fabric 2) to evaluate respondents’ satisfaction toward children’s outerwear made from Karen hand- woven fabric. The sample used in this research were 100 parents living in Samoeng district Chiang Mai.

               The instrument used in this research to collect needed data was questionnaire and prototype children’s outerwear made from Karen hand-woven fabric. The statistical tools deployed in this study were percentage and standard deviation. The study of children’s outerwear made from Karen hand-woven fabric in total of 4 different designs revealed that  majority of the respondents was female aged from 24 -25 years old, married and having children, gained income from 5,001 Baht to 10,000 Baht from miscellaneous occupations. The prototype No.2 gained the highest satisfaction in all aspects. The average in esthetic aspect was evaluated at highest level 4.89. The suitableness in daily life usage was highly accessed at 4.85. The appropriate thermal level to children was at highest percentage 4.80. The properness of fabric used was at highest score at 4.68. The neatness of the sewing was at the highest level 4.64. The appropriateness of materials used gained highest score at 4.62. The suitability of design for children was at highest level at 4.53 and the pattern appropriateness was also highly evaluated at 4.42. The positioning of pattern was also  at 4.36



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