The designing of 2 harness loom to develop the community products for commercialization
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The purposes of this research were to design and create the weaving machine to 2-4 heddles for small sample weaves were not over 23 inches width. It brought to use striped woven community sample to develop commercial products by using the physical data of the local woven fabric and fabric size product samples were made for criteria of community design to hold dimensions of the weaving loom and the various components of its. The study found that woven fabrics were made in community products which mainly used hooks not exceed 3 per strip. Repeat stripes as basic weaves structure 1/1 and diagonal stripes 2/1 weft density of 60-120 lines per inch. The fabric sample sizes for the presentation book were offering commercial customers with 3 inches wide and 25 inches long. 2 heddles weaving loom were designed and developed by a comb 3 inches wide in 4 heddles. The heddle lift lever system was called elastic spring system, the press lever heddle system was called Countermarches system, weft thread transmission system and impacted them were woven worker type. Roll fabric system and loosed warp thread was adjustable by locking helical gear of warp thread roll.
Two heddles weaving loom design to develop commercial community products can weave for 3 pattern samples that were 1/1 plain weave pattern, 2/1 diagonal striped pattern, satin pattern, 2/2 wings pattern, zigzag twill pattern, tortoise scales pattern and application of basic woven pattern. According to the experiment warp weave fabric size 20/2 and weft weave size 20/2, teeth comb # 38 and #20. When started warp thread placed 13 inches into weft thread for 2 threads, interlock with teeth comb. It can be woven in 13 inches width. The density of weft thread was 60 threads per inch. It can choose woven patterns and bring to make the woven sample to commercial products. The ready woven fabrics were the crafts, worthy of folk wisdom shawls by loom weaving and local fabric pattern.
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