The exhibition on the menus in Thonburi period and at present according to Ramayana drama: Fighting of tao Sattasoon and virunjambang part, literary work by the King of Thonburi

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Thongchue Khiatthong


            King of Thonburi or King Taksin the Great was the king who reunited Thailand after the country defeated Myanmar within 7 months and was enthroned to be the king on 28th December, 1767. Since then, December 28th became King Taksin Memorial Day. Both public and private sectors organize a variety of activities on the day and one of important activities is the exhibition to honor the king at the Monument of King Taksin, Wongwian Yai.

            The writer was assigned to design the exhibition and decided to hold the exhibition on menus in Thonburi Period. This article aimed to study the body of knowledge and design the exhibition on the menus in Thonburi Period and at present according to Ramayana Drama: Fighting of Tao Sattasonn and Virunijambang Part, literary work by the King of Thonburi by studying from documents during Thonburi period.

            The menus in Thonburi period that have been used until today are desserts, grilled chicken, grilled fish, beef salad, northern Thai sausage, salted roasted pork, dry curry, and barbequed suckling pig. The writer, then, wrote the script of the exhibition focusing on applied Thai design and Thai tone color such as dark blue, off-white, and gamboge tint.

            High angle shot was used to take the photos of those menus and banana leaves were used as background to show Thai style. The letters were in serif font. QR code connecting to websites and e-book was used to interest new generation. This two day-exhibition attracted lots of viewers.

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