Study on Wisdom and Development of Donax canniformis Basketry Products in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Rewat Suksikarn


Donax canniformis basketry products it is a unique handicraft of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Day by day, it has only been lost and is hard to find It is similar in style to basketry products from other materials in general, and if the designs and differences are changed, it will add commercial value to the product as well. This research project aims to study wisdom in context. Production process and existing models of products in order to continue the design and development of styles in contemporary. Method of operation from the collection of wisdom information to study the context of the Donax canniformis basketry group manufacturing method study of patterns of art and handicrafts after that, the data was analyzed for design and development into a draft of 3 approaches, 9 design, researchers and manufacturers selected 3 design to present the experts, selected 1 design, and suggested for improvement in production and prototyping. Results of basketry products, Donax canniformis lamp by using the shape of the year ring, wood grain, wooden channel and high-graded wood grain used as a design inspiration produced by Donax canniformis basketry products to form a hanging lamp for lighting and decoration at the same time, available in 3 sizes for placement and decoration. Which indicates the wisdom of Donax canniformis basketry in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand as well. Finally, product design technology is transferred. between the researcher and group leader manufacturer representative and try to produce products with a prototype as an example of creating and extending in their own way.

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