A harmonic form inspired by nature

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Boonkerd Srisukha


A study on a harmonic form inspired by nature was aimed to 1) create a sculpture in an individual form from the nature which reflects the harmony; 2) publicize the knowledge and understanding on a) the process of creating individual contemporary sculpture form, b) the process on studying and gathering information and installation of the sculpture, and c) evaluate the satisfaction from the exhibition. The results of the study indicated that the creativity of the sculpture signified the value of Nong Ravieng forest which is the last forest near the town. It called for all the community members to realize the importance of Nong Ravieng forest and help preserve it. The sculpture itself presents the value of harmony of human and nature. The harmonic form inspired by nature is a semi-abstract and environmental sculpture 413 x 413 x 608 centimeter. Participated activities and inspiration of the sculpture is the harmony of the people which is the heart of living together of all living things. The harmony of the people is considered as the gathering of power from all the parts of the community to strengthen the power to protect the community from dangers and hold it as a norm of the society. The sculpture applied metal welding technique to form the main structure, and stamped hand marks on clay in wood burning technique which results in red bricks that signify the uniqueness from nature. Stamped hand marks on clay in wood burning technique creates multi-dimension for the materials. The colors of the sculpture are a perfect combination  from both synthetic and natural paints. The overall satisfaction of the visitors to the exhibition is in high level  ( = 4.28,   S.D. = 0.66) whereas the appropriateness and the attractiveness of the sculpture has the highest level of satisfaction.

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