Eco-printing: The study of color fixing quality from natural raw material and natural mordant

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Chanakarn Ruangnarong
Rath Chombhuphan


        This research aims to study the quality of cotton fabric using natural raw materials and different mordants. The core factors of this study are different types of leaves and mordants. Four samples of leaves were chosen for the study; Indian Almond, Teak, Indian trumpet flower and eucalyptus; while the particular types of mordants used for this study are alum water, limewater and tamarind juice for eco-printing techniques from natural materials on fabric. The dyed fabric was then tested using CIELab color system. The results reveal that each types of leaves produced diverse colors; three L* values are between 57.48-73.60 with the a* value on the positive scale resulting the magentaish color and the b* value, similarly on the positive scale, resulting the yellowish color. The colors produced from this process is categorized as a warm tone; yellow and yellowish-green colors. These colors coveys energetic, lively, strong, positive, solid and pleasant feelings. The colors from Indian trumpet flower leaves are the brightest and most intense. The shapes and colors on dyed fabric differ from leaf to leaf. When using different mordants, the fabric fermented in alum water displays the most vivid colors; while limewater mordants produced earth tone colors. Printed fabric using tamarind juice as a mordants demonstrates duller and strong chroma colors. Each fabric has its own unique characteristics, however, when comparing the clarity and intensity of natural dye on each fabric, it is found that the limewater-fermented fabric illustrates the most clearest and intense colors of all four leaves.

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