Satisfaction in clothes for the elderly of the elderly wisdom model club at pathum thani province

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Warapron Banlenglol
Kanyarat Senadee
Natthapong Panyathikun


This research aimed to develop a style of elderly women's clothing to test the acceptance of consumer satisfaction with the product and convey the elderly women's clothing Population used in this research the population used in this research. Wisdom of the Elderly Group, Class 9, Pathum Thani province, 50 people. The research equipment was a questionnaire and analyzed data by using the SPSS program to find the frequency, percentage, mean  and standard deviation.The finding showed that most of respondents aged between 60 - 64 years had less than high school education. And high school / vocational certificate Marital status, occupation, housewife, monthly income of 20,001 baht or more. Most respondents prefer to buy clothes from clothing stores. Followed by the flea market Department store And from the Internet The reason for deciding to buy clothes is price, nature of fabrics, medium and soft fabrics. The majority of respondents' clothing purchase opportunities were I saw a series and liked it. The frequency of buying clothes is more than 5 times the cost of buying clothes 1,001 - 2,000 baht. Most respondents decide to buy clothes themselves. And found that the problem of Buying clothes did not fit Most of the respondents were satisfied with the most five aspects of the design of elderly women's dresses, namely the average usefulness was the most satisfied (   = 4.69). The average aesthetics were the most satisfied (  = 4.62). The average safety was the most satisfied (  = 4.59).     On average, the most satisfied(   = 4.57). And the fabric and texture on average were the most satisfied (  = 4.47)

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