The study production of powder color coloring turmeric

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Vijit Sonhom
Vinai Tarav
Nadtamon Laengsomang
Chuleedporn Taimoon
Sarocha Opasi


        The study aimed for 1.studying the proper ratio of natural material which were used to produce the coloring powder 2.examining physicochemical properties of the natural coloring powder, studying the proper formula for the color fastness. The factors to study were the amounts of silica gel from 0 (zero) gram, 2.5 grams and 5 grams added to the 10 grams of clay filler in order to enhance the absorption curcumin’s color and then analyzing its physicochemical property by moisture meter and colorimeter. According to the study titled “The study of the production of curcumin coloring powder for inventions”, it found that the coloring powder made from extracting curcumin was the suitable color dyeing production for paper. The study also found that the yellow color from curcumin had its moisture content which was 2.14 + 0.92, in the term of color, L* = 62.40 + 0.37, a* = -0.73 + 0.40, b* = -4.30 + 1.20 was identified from the colorimeter. The sample which didn’t contain with silica gel was the most suitable for producing coloring powder.

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