Mascot and Product Design to Promote the Image of the City Tourism of Thailand: A case study of Phitsanulok Province

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วราภรณ์ มามี


The purposes of this research were 1) to study and analyze the design of mascot to promote the image of the city tourism of Thailand: a case study of Phitsanulok Province, 2) to study and analyze the design of the products to promote the image of the city tourism of Thailand: a case study of Phitsanulok Province, and 3) to evaluate the consumers’ satisfaction with the products that promoted the image of the city tourism of Thailand: a case study of Phitsanulok Province. The researcher collected the data by reviewing the literature, investigating information from documents, concepts, theories, and related research, exploring personal information and attitudes about identity and factors that influenced product purchase decisions, designing mascot, evaluating mascot pattern, visiting the sites in order to study the feasibility and sources of production, designing the products, evaluating the product pattern, developing the product pattern, bringing it to the villagers to actually produce, and evaluating the satisfaction of tourists with the products that promoted the image of the city tourism of Thailand: a case study of Phitsanulok Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The research sample was a group of 400 male and female tourists aged between 17 - 65 and over. The results of the study and analysis of consumers’ satisfaction with the products that promoted the image of the city tourism of Thailand: a case study of Phitsanulok Province showed that the keychain products were satisfied the most, at the highest level, with a total mean of (x̄ = 4.60) (S.D. = 0.68).

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