The study of properties of thermal Insulators of local materials in basketry and weaving in Nakhon Ratchasima province

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Sarttra Thungjai


This research aims to study the thermal properties and heat resistance of local materials in the basketry and weaving type. To develop a solution to prevent heat in buildings with effective alternative materials. The materials studied were woven and sheet textiles. There are both hard and thin sheets. The materials used in the experiment have raw materials or production sources in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. To add a form of utilization to existing products. Four types of materials were studied: silk, reed mats, bamboo basketry. and rattan basketry. By testing with a 60x60x60 centimeters test box, measure the air temperature inside and outside the test box, material surface temperature. Temperature was recorded for 48 hours. To study the guidelines for using local materials for heat protection and decoration in buildings including studies and comparisons on the use.The results of the study concluded that woven bamboo panels have the most heat protection properties, followed by woven rattan panels, reed mats, where silk has the least heat protection properties. In the process of bringing materials for heat protection and decoration of buildings. Using silk or reed mats can be simple and easy. The woven bamboo panels and woven rattan panels are more difficult to cut and install. In terms of material prices, it was found that woven rattan panels had the highest average price per square meter. The woven bamboo panels are the cheapest. If considering the properties of heat protection ease of installation usability and price can be concluded that Woven bamboo panels are the most cost-effective for heat protection and building decoration. Results from the study in this research. It can be extended to study the thermal properties by experimenting in an open box. Experimenting with composites and other coatings or studying various applications. This will increase the value and utilization of local materials more.


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