The study of the use of areas that affects commuting along the Wongwian Yai-Mahachai railway in North Krungthon cluster

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Terdpong Boonpan
Chunyarat Nititerapad
Kanjanee Buddhimedhee


The objective of this study was to study on the use of the areas that affects commuting along the Wong Wian Yai-Mahachai Railway station located in the North Krungthon Cluster such as Wong Wian Yai, Talat Phlu, Wutthakat, Khlong Ton Sai, Chom Thong, Wat Sai and Wat Sing stations. Then the development plan of the area will be suggested as Bangkok Metropolitan Administration intending to develop these areas to be more prosperous. The study started by secondary data collecting and reviewing including insight gathering of the use of the areas that affects commuting by on-site survey. The result of the study from secondary data showed the areas along the Wong Wian Yai-Mahachai Railway station which were located in the North Krungthon Cluster is diverse in culture and land use, such as the old town, delicious food, fruit orchards, floating markets and ancient temples. A convenient transportation system is contributed in this site connects to the city and other nearby provinces. These areas connect to the BTS station and there is the the dark red line sky train development. The result from on-site survey showed these areas has empty spaces and bicycle lanes dispersed throughout and the bicycle parking located nearby the BTS station. In addition, the physical characteristics of the study area combined by many canals. Therefore, this study area should be developed the network in and around the communities. Railway side area can be developed into walking paths and bicycle lanes linked between the communities and the train stations. In addition, the water transportation and Multi-Optional Transportation Modes can be promoted especially Khlong Dan or Khlong Sanam Chai to connect various mass transit systems. But other impacts must be further studied because there is no clear plan of Dark Red sky train Line development.


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