The development of brand and packaging labels for processed coconut products, Lam Phaya Sub-district, Bang Len District, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Pornpimon Sakda
wararat Wattahnachanobon


This research aimed to study and analyze specific patterns and the spatial identity of Lam Phaya Floating Market from the context of nature, society, economy, arts, and culture which lead to define the color tone, creating abstract illustration, drawing, and distortion illustration that could be applied to the development of a brand and label on packaging for processed coconut products in Lam Phaya Sub-district. The study used research and development methods collecting data by qualitative and quantitative methods including a unique knowledge transfer, spatial identity and packaging assemble in order to be able to operate after the completion of the research project. The results of the study were as follows:

  1. 1. The satisfaction with the design was at the highest level which was the brand using the appropriate color (Mean=5.00, SD=0.00. The label on the package had shape, beautiful, outstanding, unique, and suitable structure with the same mean (Mean=5.00, S.D.=0.00). The satisfaction of the packaging was it could be used as the products' packaging of Lam Phaya Floating Market (Mean=4.94, S.D.=0.32).

  2. 2. The results of the packaging efficiency test found that the new packaging (Kraft paper zip lock bag) can slow down color change into brown roasted coconut. The new packaging could store products not more than 42 days while the original packaging could store products not more than 21 days.

  3. 3. Product marketing experiments was found that during the product marketing trial period between January-March 2021, the income was from sales at the Lam Phaya Floating Market. During April-May 2021, the income was from online sales due to the pandemic situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). It was found that the gross profit margin of roasted coconut products in the product marketing trial period is at 50 percent and over.

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