Public Participation towards Public Space Development Projects in Low-Income Community: A Case Study of Khlong Toei Community, Bangkok

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Atit Tippichai
Waraphorn Wongsuwan


Increasing green areas or public spaces in urban communities to meet the standards is one of the measures for improving the quality of life of people in Bangkok. However, the development of public spaces in low-income communities in Bangkok, such as Khlong Toei Community, has limitations and unique characteristics that are different from other communities. This is due to the Khlong Toei Community caused by migrants and invasions to build housing for workers for more than 40 years. The purpose of this study is to study and analyze physical characteristics, the economy and society of the area in the Khlong Toei Community and to study the level of participation in the development of public spaces for low-income communities by surveying the real situation, collect relevant document information, and interviewing residents of the community using the interview form. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that public space projects which are suitable for low-income communities should have a starting point from the community's own needs. The residents in the community will know the causes of problems and needs causing the project to be able to solve the problems of the community. However, for the project implementation, there should be an organization or an expert group that has experience and expertise in community project development to organize activities that enable people to participate and reflect the needs of the community. Public space projects should consider acquiring and sharing benefits that truly meet the needs of the community. In addition, project budgets should be allocated to cover the maintenance or establishment of community funds to provide a budget for project implementation to sustainably serve people in the community.

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